Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tia Rosa Taqueria/Fizoli's

Tonight Brent, Chrissy, Terrisa, Brian, my Dad, and I went to Tia Rosa Taqueria for a last dinner before Brian and Terrisa take off to GA with Paisley for a couple of weeks. I am so sad to not be able to see that little face for more than TWO weeks :( It makes me want to cry thinking about it.

My gigantic, but delicious burrito...

Dinner was amazing! Mostly because we were able to sit outside and enjoy this amazing weather that Arizona has graced us with this May. It was the first time I went to the taqueria, but I have been to Tia Rosa's and I forgot how much I LOVE their salsa verde. I am currently searching for a recipe that is close to it. I found one online that I am going to try ASAP!

Before dinner Terrisa, Chrissy and I went to Goodwill (probably my favorite store) and I got some great finds!!! I will eventually post some pictures of what I found because I am excited about all of them!!!

Have a fantastic night!

Oh I should probably explain why I added /fizoli's to my title. As soon as I walked into the taqueria tonight I realized it was a converted Fizoli's. Haha random I know. I miss Fizoli's and they were all laid out the same exact way and I thought it was funny that you could still tell that was what it used to be.

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