Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The lack of sleep week...

It is only Tuesday and I have deemed this week the "lack of sleep" week. I already know that by next Monday I am going to be dead tired, and I am kind of not looking forward to it. You must be thinking oh yeah it is finals week, she must be studying and cramming for all of her last finals of her life. Nope I actually don't have any finals this semester, just my final review for my photography class and I am not worried about it. My lack of sleep is definitely coming from work. Between Barrett and us getting ready for convocation and City of Hope's two day event this weekend, I am super busy! Both of my bosses are asking me what extra hours I can work, plus I have to make time to get to the photo lab to print my final pictures. This all means not a ton of sleep for me.

Here is my schedule for this week and weekend:
[Monday] - (my only easy day) supposed to wake up at 6:30, but woke up at 7:30- photographed and then worked at Barrett. Bed at 10:30ish.
[Tuesday] - up at 6:30(for real this time) work at City of Hope, lunch, work at Barrett, dinner, photo lab until 10:30, bed by 11:45
[Wednesday] - repeat Tuesday
[Thursday] - up at 6:30 City of Hope (COH) all day (crunch time for the event), possibly photo lab...
[Friday] - up at 3:00 AM for COH Golf Tournament (aka in the sun all day), lots of stuff scheduled at night(not sure what I will actually get to)
[Saturday] - up at 6:00 COH Beach Ball probably until midnight...yippee!
[Sunday] - being a bad girl and sleeping in finally then photo lab.

Most of you are probably wondering why I am complaining since you get up for work earlier then 6:30 every morning. I am sorry for complaining, but you have to understand for the past four years I have been a college student who doesn't schedule classes for any time before 10:00 am. I am not used to having to wake up super early every morning. I like my sleep and haven't gotten used to the early bird schedule yet.

Wish me luck! Hopefully I will be able to wake up and get to my things on time!

On a few random side notes...I came out of my photo lab this evening to find everyone on campus in just their undies! Then I remembered today was the annual ASU Undie Run. Weird sounding right? But actually it is a very creative way to get crazy college students involved in charity work. It basically is the students show up to the Student Rec Center fields all dressed and then they strip down to their undies and donate the clothes they came dressed in. They then proceed to run around the SRC fields. (Keep in mind more than half of the people are severely drunk...it is ASU after all). It is pretty much an excuse for people to get practically naked in public and not get in trouble.

The other random side note....look what I found parked in front of the ASU Memorial Union
Normally it is a blood donation van, but this time it was a free pregnancy test and ultrasound van...Is that not extremely weird. I don't know why but I thought it was really odd to have parked on a college campus. I guess it is a good thing, but I would never go to something like this I would be way too embarrassed. I get they get enough business cause this is the second time I have seen it there.

And lastly when I was driving home this evening I saw a HUGE shouting star. It must have been a really big comet coming into Earth's orbit cause it was really bright and slower than most. I was really excited and of course made a wish. We'll see if it comes true...

Night everyone. I need every minute of sleep I can get.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I've heard of shooting stars, but I can't say I've ever heard of a shouting star. I once saw a whispering star :)
