Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ASU Graduation-Finally!

For those of you who know me well know or have heard me say how much I hate school. In grade school I was fine with it and I did really well, but when I got to college I was kind of sick of it. I was ready to just be working, BUT I was smarter than that. I knew it was important for me to have a college education so I stuck with it, whether I enjoyed it or not. And I'm not saying I hated every step of the way, I enjoy going to class and learning, but I don't enjoy homework.

Seriously if I never have homework ever again in my life I will not be sad. I think that is why work seems so much more enjoyable than school, you still learn in a work environment, but when you leave work that is it you leave work and you don't have to bring it home with you. You can enjoy your evening or weekend without having to worry about adding two more pages to your paper that needs to be at least 10 pages long.

Needless to say I was very excited to graduate this year and the graduation ceremonies and my party couldn't have been better! (Well the ceremony could have been shorter, but you get it).

The Thursday after school was officially done, a group of my friends went out to dinner to celebrate being done! Then after that Lauren, Kimi and I went to the ASU Commencement. Let me tell you I was dreading going because I thought it was going to be an extremely long ceremony, but we got lucky it was only 1 hour and 15 minutes!!! I was so happy and I actually really enjoyed myself, plus it is way more meaningful because this is the ceremony where you move the tassel from the right to the left. I am glad I went so I could experience graduating with friends instead of some random person I didn't know.

Do you see it?

Do you see my name...Emily Suzanne Warren.

I is official I graduated.

It is written in ink.

Friday (the 13th I might add), was my college's graduation convocation. I graduated from with a degree in Communication from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (aka CLAS). CLAS is a huge college so they thankfully split it up into two different graduation ceremonies so it didn't take too too long. My whole family (-Terrisa she was at work. She doesn't really have anymore days off because of little miss Paisley) was there to celebrate with me!
I love the additions to our family (Terrisa and George), but I love it when we can get a picture of just us kids. I am truly blessed to have such awesome siblings that all get along! It always makes me sad when I hear people say they don't like or don't talk to their siblings.
Liza and Robert even came to celebrate with me! They are definitely true friends for coming and sitting through a boring ceremony just to see me walk and take some pictures with me afterwards.
And of course Paisley was there! Can't get enough of that little girl! She is just the most adorable thing ever and guess what I get to babysit her again tomorrow!!!!!


Saturday night was my par-tay!

The party was so much fun! Lots of people, lots of food, and lots to drink how could it not be fun!

I found this poster next to my bed from my high school graduation and was like oh this would work for tonight, perfect! Maybe I will just keep it next to my bed until my wedding and then my funeral. Haha.
Heather used the cricut to make the cute ASU colored banner.
And of course it wouldn't be a proper Warren party if we didn't have a guessing game for everyone. Mr. Hobson won with a guess that was only 2 off, amazing!
I got these awesome glasses from my boss at Barrett. I think Hannah liked how they matched her outfit.

Aunt Hannah playing with Paisley

During the commotion of the party Paisley did so good and Brian decided to bring her in the lukewarm hot tub with him. They put her in an adorable swimsuit!

Chrissy doesn't drink and this was her first drink ever! A margarita made by our very own Terrisa.
All of the old married couples :)

The cake was definitely devoured.

The party was definitely success I don't think I went to bed until 3:30ish. Yeah very late so that means success in my book!

Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with me. I had a blast and I couldn't have been happier to have you all with me for such a milestone in my life! Hope you all had fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm seriously in love with that little yellow swimsuit that Paisley is makes her look even cuter (didn't think that was possible!!!!)
