Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day!!!

Can you guys believe it is already May?!?!?!
Holy guacamole this year has gone by SO fast I can't believe, but I am super excited it is May.

So far this month has proven to be awesome. Already the first day of the month and it is an excellent month. I was working today at Chili's and it was very busy so that wasn't the best but while at work I saw the news that Osama Bin Laden was killed by US Navy Seals!!!!! All I have to say is Gob Bless America and thank God for giving those Navy Seals the courage and strength to pull off this mission and thank Him for keeping all those Americans involved, safe and alive. God sure has shown His love in a big way today and I love that Obama wasn't scared to say so in his address to the US.

A couple of other reasons I am looking forward to this lovely month of May:
(1) my 22nd birthday
(2) my graduation from ASU!!!!!
(3) Hannah and my trip to CA to see H & G and go to Disney
(4) The Spirit of Hope golf tournament and gala with City of Hope (where one of my internships is this semester)
(5) Swimming time!

Aren't you all so excited for me?
Haha not that you should be but I am so excited to be finally done with school for good!!!!
Well I can't completely count out school forever but right now done is what I am thinking.

Anything exciting for you guys this month?

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