Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Girlfriends, Chips + Salsa, Sangria, Pizza, & Hot Tub = 1 Fantastic Evening

The other day one of my best friends called me and informed me that we were having a girl's night at my place that night! Haha Lauren isn't the best planner, but that is okay. Luckily I didn't have anything going on that night so we planned to make pizzas and go in the hot tub and talk!

Lauren, Kimi, and Jessica came over and it was definitely a night that we all needed to just relax and hang out with each other before Lauren and Kimi take off and leave us behind. Lauren in going to North Carolina for pharmacy school and Kimi is moving to Texas for the summer and then to Australia or some cool place like that just because she is Kimi and that is what she is meant to do. At least Jessica is staying here with me!

Anywho. I had made some salsa that my sister had blogged about over here and it was delicious!!! It definitely had a kick, which would normally bother me, but I think because I made it it didn't bother me. I was very proud of myself. Salsa is something I have never tried to make before and I found out it is super easy. All you have to do is combine the ingredients together and blend!

No dinner date is complete without good ole sangria! I bought three different bottles so we could try different kinds. The first one was was bubbly. No me gusta.

Kimi helped me cut up the vegetable to put on top of the pizzas.

Lots of brightly colored toppings....too bad I don't eat 3 of the 5 things.

The four of us working on our pizzas (and Hannah in the back making some bomb snickerdoodles).

ps Kimi and I are wearing the same shorts (different color) just bought at the Gap outlet. haha

Patiently waiting for them to cook.

Lauren and her pizza fresh out of the oven.

My ginormously crusted pizza. I'm not complaining though, the crust is the best part.

Now that ours are out of the oven these two lovely ladies made theirs and popped them in the oven. Jessica had a great idea, she put ranch powder on the crust to make it like Hungry Howie's pizza.

Kimi was very proud of her finished pizza.

Kimi and Jessica's pizzas....They definitely have more veggies than mine and Lauren's. Oh well I am a picky eater I can't help it.

That was the culmination of the nights festivities....oh yeah and one more bottle of white wine. I swear we weren't drunk. I don't think any of us really felt it at all, probably because we spread it out over several hours.

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