Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Year Ago

It is crazy to think where I was this exact time last year. It makes me sad thinking about it. Last year this time I was in Europe. I was just wrapping up my study abroad with a nice trip through France, Belgium, and the Netherlands with my parents and sisters. Now I am sitting at my desk at work....blah. Europe was way better, but I guess reality has to hit sometime right? If only I would will billions of dollars and never have to work again and just travel. Wouldn't that be amazing? I think everyone wants that. Too bad that will never happen.

Here are some pictures from that trip so you can feel my pain and longing for Europe.

We started in Paris and quickly took off to Normandy. What a moving place and we were there on Memorial Day can't get much cooler than that. (FYI you are only going to see pics with people in them because I am at work and that is what I had in my email. I may post again with pictures of the beautiful places we went. Although you can see it in the background of these pictures.)

Haha I love doing these pictures. Its a funny way to mix up your pictures on a vacation. (my friend Michelle said that she pics a specific thing to take pictures of in each place she goes ie trash cans. Kind of weird but funny at the same time) This was by a beautiful canal in a small French town.

My mom did a great job in cutting my dad out of this picture. This was Belgium. We took a guided boat tour through the canals. I think all cities should have a cool canal system like the European towns do.

Then we rented bikes and road them around the outer path around Brugge. It was a lot of fun and it was AWESOME cause they city is surrounded with windmills!!! Like actual windmills not the stupid white ones in CA.

What a cute little family....oh wait I think there are a few people missing.

Well that is a little better :)

When we were in Amsterdam my dad was determined to rent a boat. The rain obviously didn't stop him and it was fun....kinda. Well it was until we realized we were going to be late to return it. Haha good family memories.

He was very happy to be driving that boat and to be wearing his newly purchased hat.
The rain eventually stopped. It was definitely a unique way of seeing the city that not a lot of people get to see so although I was skeptical about it I am glad we did it.

Having my family join me in Europe was a fantastic was to end my study abroad. I could not be more grateful to have had the whole experience and it is definitely a time in my life I will never ever forget.

Now I just want to go back. Guess I should start saving my money.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to visit Europe! My husband and I are going in September :)
