Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tia Rosa Taqueria/Fizoli's

Tonight Brent, Chrissy, Terrisa, Brian, my Dad, and I went to Tia Rosa Taqueria for a last dinner before Brian and Terrisa take off to GA with Paisley for a couple of weeks. I am so sad to not be able to see that little face for more than TWO weeks :( It makes me want to cry thinking about it.

My gigantic, but delicious burrito...

Dinner was amazing! Mostly because we were able to sit outside and enjoy this amazing weather that Arizona has graced us with this May. It was the first time I went to the taqueria, but I have been to Tia Rosa's and I forgot how much I LOVE their salsa verde. I am currently searching for a recipe that is close to it. I found one online that I am going to try ASAP!

Before dinner Terrisa, Chrissy and I went to Goodwill (probably my favorite store) and I got some great finds!!! I will eventually post some pictures of what I found because I am excited about all of them!!!

Have a fantastic night!

Oh I should probably explain why I added /fizoli's to my title. As soon as I walked into the taqueria tonight I realized it was a converted Fizoli's. Haha random I know. I miss Fizoli's and they were all laid out the same exact way and I thought it was funny that you could still tell that was what it used to be.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

American Idol

****Spoiler Alert****

I just watched the finale of American Idol and I am so happy with the result!
Scotty won!!!!

Country star all the way! I have to say though that Hailey was definitely my favorite. I was really hoping she would have won, but hey having two country stars in the final two was perfectly okay with me! I would have been fine with the results either way.

Tonight I was slightly jealous of all of the contestants, they got to sing with some big name people whom they probably didn't think they would ever even meet. I mean seriously, Lauren got to sing with Carrie Underwood!!! So jealous!

I really enjoyed this season of American Idol and got my family into watching it from the beginning all the way until now. The new judges definitely made this season.
I am so lame I was very paranoid that someone from back east was going to spoil it and post the winner on facebook or twitter so I avoided my phone and computer the entire two hours of watching the show.

What do you guys think about Scotty winning? Do you think he will be able to reach Carrie status or fall under the radar like Ruben?

I really hope most of the top ten this year become more famous because they were all phenomenal! If only I had a voice half as good as any one of them.

Hope you weren't too mad with the results. Have a wonderful night! Sleep tight!

P.S. Did you hear about Kim Kardashian getting engaged? Guess how big her ring is? 20.5 carats!!!!! Is that not insanely ridiculous?!?! I don't even want to think about how much that cost.

ASU Graduation-Finally!

For those of you who know me well know or have heard me say how much I hate school. In grade school I was fine with it and I did really well, but when I got to college I was kind of sick of it. I was ready to just be working, BUT I was smarter than that. I knew it was important for me to have a college education so I stuck with it, whether I enjoyed it or not. And I'm not saying I hated every step of the way, I enjoy going to class and learning, but I don't enjoy homework.

Seriously if I never have homework ever again in my life I will not be sad. I think that is why work seems so much more enjoyable than school, you still learn in a work environment, but when you leave work that is it you leave work and you don't have to bring it home with you. You can enjoy your evening or weekend without having to worry about adding two more pages to your paper that needs to be at least 10 pages long.

Needless to say I was very excited to graduate this year and the graduation ceremonies and my party couldn't have been better! (Well the ceremony could have been shorter, but you get it).

The Thursday after school was officially done, a group of my friends went out to dinner to celebrate being done! Then after that Lauren, Kimi and I went to the ASU Commencement. Let me tell you I was dreading going because I thought it was going to be an extremely long ceremony, but we got lucky it was only 1 hour and 15 minutes!!! I was so happy and I actually really enjoyed myself, plus it is way more meaningful because this is the ceremony where you move the tassel from the right to the left. I am glad I went so I could experience graduating with friends instead of some random person I didn't know.

Do you see it?

Do you see my name...Emily Suzanne Warren.

I is official I graduated.

It is written in ink.

Friday (the 13th I might add), was my college's graduation convocation. I graduated from with a degree in Communication from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (aka CLAS). CLAS is a huge college so they thankfully split it up into two different graduation ceremonies so it didn't take too too long. My whole family (-Terrisa she was at work. She doesn't really have anymore days off because of little miss Paisley) was there to celebrate with me!
I love the additions to our family (Terrisa and George), but I love it when we can get a picture of just us kids. I am truly blessed to have such awesome siblings that all get along! It always makes me sad when I hear people say they don't like or don't talk to their siblings.
Liza and Robert even came to celebrate with me! They are definitely true friends for coming and sitting through a boring ceremony just to see me walk and take some pictures with me afterwards.
And of course Paisley was there! Can't get enough of that little girl! She is just the most adorable thing ever and guess what I get to babysit her again tomorrow!!!!!


Saturday night was my par-tay!

The party was so much fun! Lots of people, lots of food, and lots to drink how could it not be fun!

I found this poster next to my bed from my high school graduation and was like oh this would work for tonight, perfect! Maybe I will just keep it next to my bed until my wedding and then my funeral. Haha.
Heather used the cricut to make the cute ASU colored banner.
And of course it wouldn't be a proper Warren party if we didn't have a guessing game for everyone. Mr. Hobson won with a guess that was only 2 off, amazing!
I got these awesome glasses from my boss at Barrett. I think Hannah liked how they matched her outfit.

Aunt Hannah playing with Paisley

During the commotion of the party Paisley did so good and Brian decided to bring her in the lukewarm hot tub with him. They put her in an adorable swimsuit!

Chrissy doesn't drink and this was her first drink ever! A margarita made by our very own Terrisa.
All of the old married couples :)

The cake was definitely devoured.

The party was definitely success I don't think I went to bed until 3:30ish. Yeah very late so that means success in my book!

Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with me. I had a blast and I couldn't have been happier to have you all with me for such a milestone in my life! Hope you all had fun!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Are you stalking me?

Do you ever feel like a stalker?

I know I do. I am friends with people on facebook and look at all of their pictures, I follow them on twitter and get a play-by-play of what they are doing every day all day, I read their blogs, follow their pinterests and some of these people I have never and will probably never meet.

Isn't that weird?
Nope it isn't. I don't think it is anyways. So I think you should stalk me on all of those different social media sites.

Here they all are:
This blog of course

And if you want to follow my family's blogs here they are:

Then if you really want to push the stalking envelope here are my favorite blogs to follow:

That is all. After reading all of these blogs and such you will definitely know me and my interests a lot better. You will probably know me better than you ever hoped to but that is okay with me. I don't mind.

Oh yeah and if you want to email me you can do so at (soon to change since I just graduated from ASU but I will keep you posted on that).

Thanks for stalking me!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My 22nd Birthday!

My 22nd birthday was a couple of days ago and it was awesome!!!

I know that after 21 your birthdays aren't really that important anymore, but I still really like to celebrate my birthday and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I don't expect people to throw me some big party and get me lots of presents, but it is nice to have everyone treat you a little special for one day and have an excuse to get together with friends.

This year it has been slightly crazy timing for my birthday. With graduation less than a week before I really almost forgot my birthday! My Grandma Clark being the early person she is, sent me my card about a week before and I was like oh yeah my birthday is coming up! Haha I am glad she sent it so early cause I probably wouldn't have realized it was coming up until the night before.

This year's birthday was great. I got to celebrate it two nights already and I am doing dinner with my family Monday night! Nothing like stretching out your birthday celebration from a day to a week. I am lucky enough to have received some awesome presents this year.

When my sister Heather was in town for my graduation she gave me my birthday/graduation gift. This awesome camera strap cover! She found it at this etsy shop if you are interested in getting one too. I love it! It is cute and makes the strap much more comfortable.

I have to say that although I really like Heather's gift, I kind of like this next gift more (I don't think Heather would be offended that statement, I think she would agree this one is pretty awesome). Most people probably don't understand why this gift below is so cool, so I will explain.

First of all I got this in the mail from my Grandma Warren. (it is one of my favorite things to get mail, especially when it is a package! You can't help but get excited. Don't you agree?)

So when I was younger I loved looking at my Grandma's birthday book. Not only was it a basic book where she kept a list of everyone's birthdays, it was a book that had a fortune for every day of the year. I absolutely loved flipping through the book and reading off all of my family member's fortunes and seeing how accurate it was. It was seemed to be spot on and I was amazed by it. So for my birthday this year to my surprise I opened up my package to find a book just like my grandma's!!!! You can't believe how excited I am to have it! My Grandma even wrote in all of my family member's birthday with the year they were born. I am so excited to have such a keep sake. It is definitely something I will treasure forever.

Don't you love her hand writing? Beautiful.
Again I was always amazed with the accuracy of these fortunes. What do you think does it sound like me? If you want to know what your birthday says let me know and I will be sure to share, but you have to promise to tell me how accurate it is!

This year I took it upon myself (not any different than normal) to get my friends together to go out to a nice dinner. We went to a place on Mill Ave. that I have been wanting to go to, its called La Bocca. It is a Pizza and Wine Bar with really delicious pizza, bruschetta, and sangria! Doesn't this picture just make you hungry? Nothing better than a margherita pizza!!!

And of course you can never go wrong with a good pitcher of sangria....
I was definitely dreading the morning of my birthday, because just like any other day I had to wake up at 6:30 to get to work. Lame right? You know you are growing up when you have to work on your birthday. Anyway I really didn't want to go to work all day on my birthday but I didn't really have a choice so I was kind of bummed out. That was until I actually got to work and sat at my desk. My coworker Celia had bought me a colorful cupcake and other treats and had them sitting in front of my computer just waiting for me with a birthday/graduation card. Is that not the sweetest thing ever? What makes it even sweeter is that I had only told her the day before that my birthday was the next day. I was extremely kind of her to think of me and it really picked up my day and made having to work so much better.

At work my boss also let me pick where I wanted to eat and we all ordered out and she paid for it. I picked My Big Fat Greek Restaurant because I realized Greek food is my favorite and it was delicious. I, being the intern still, had to go pick it up, but hey it was a free delicious lunch I'm not complaining.

I am going to dinner with my family tomorrow night and the rest of my presents should be coming in the mail (my mom ordered some stuff offline for me). So the birthday week will continue woohoo!

I promise graduation pics will be up next and then an update from my weekend in California and Disney. So you have something to look forward to!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Paisley Jean Warren

These past couple of weeks have been really busy, with work events, end of school, graduation, my 22nd birthday, and watching my adorable niece! I can't say that I haven't had time to blog because I honestly could have. When I was babysitting Paisley I literally did nothing. I sat on the couch watched tv and basically stared at Paisley all day. I didn't even get on my computer once! Isn't that crazy?! Well it kind of doesn't count because I have an iPhone which is basically like a little computer, but you get it.

I will blog later about my graduation from ASU and my birthday, but right now I want to focus on Paisley. I know probably everyone says this, but I seriously think I have the cutest, most adorable niece. Seriously see for yourself she has big cheeks, lots of hair, wide eyes, and dimples. What could be cuter than that? Since I was with her for two days, all day I was able to capture a few really good pictures of her smiling and yawning and such. Take a look for yourself. She is adorable!

Look at those big eyes!

Do you see what I mean now?

So if pictures weren't convincing enough here are a couple of videos of her just hanging out with Aunt Emily.

Cutest thing ever, isn't she? Yup I think we should make her a baby model. She could make millions! Haha jk.

Graduation and birthday posts to come!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekend of Events

As you all have previously read I was very busy this weekend with events. I am interning at City of Hope and this weekend was their 20th Annual Spirit of Hope Beach Ball and Golf Tournament. I worked both events and am extremely tired now.

The golf tournament had a great turn out of 270ish people! They played at the Whirlwind golf course at Wild Horse Pass. The weather was pretty warm, especially towards the end of the day, which lucky me was when I had to be outside handing out coolers to the participants.
In the morning I helped sell raffle tickets to the golfers as they were checking in, then while they were playing we drove around on the golf carts (one of my favorite things to do!) and sold some more tickets. There was a nice breeze driving around the course so we managed to stay fairly cool. The course was beautiful (aka open and not surrounded by homes like most courses I have seen), there were little critters all over the place I loved it!!! The best were the little prairie dogs! Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of them, I was driving and that would have been dangerous of course. I am a responsible golf cart driver, I even have my ASU golf cart drivers license :)

There was even a stream going through the course, SO beautiful!!!

At lunch I couldn't resist taking a picture of the enormous platter of veggies. It was kind of ridiculous how ginormous it was.

After being at the golf tournament from 4:30 am - 4:30 pm I had the joy of going back the next day from 9:00 am - 11:30 pm for the beach ball. I was pleasantly surprised with myself because I wasn't that tired and I lasted the entire day!

Saturday was actually a lot of fun. I got to see all of our hard work for the past two months come together. The auction items that I have been entering and keeping track of were spread out in a massive ballroom, all done up and bid on! I don't know how much we have made yet but I am pretty sure it was a LOT of money.

While we were setting up, I saw the hotel staff setting up the beer and I was amazed with how many different types we had. They said they received 42 different types of beer and they looked super cool for all lined up. I just wished I liked beer.

We had over 400 different auction items donated to us and some of them were SUPER cool! I took pics of some of my favorites. These aren't my favorite but I thought it was crazy how much Jack Daniel's stuff we had. This was just a quarter of it.
Little miss green m&m was one of my top items. It is what they sell m&m's out of in the grocery store. I think it would be pretty sweet to have in a game room!
This is part of the auction room to kind of give you an idea of what it looked like all set up.

This was by far my favorite item in the auction! It was the coolest Fat Tire Beach Cruiser Bike not available to the general public. They only give them to charities for auctions like ours. I was really hoping no one would bid on it so I could take it home. Nope it ended up selling for $750!!!!!
Another favorite is the 7up electric scooter. I would have given anything to have this as a kid!

During the event I was in charge of the raffle table again. I was paired with three high school boys that were volunteering and they were hilarious! They were some great sales men, let me tell you. They were totally working the crowd. At one point they were even singing to get people to buy tickets. It cracked me up and kept me entertained the entire night. It helped make the night go by much faster which was nice after being there for 12 hours.

Overall the night was fantastic and I left pooped. Friday and Saturday were two very long days and I was very happy to get to bed, but it was all worth it. In the end I know we made a ton of money for a great cause and we had fun while we were doing it!!! Now tomorrow commences the clean up....woohoo. Wish me luck.

PS I am graduating this week!!! Can you believe it?!?! I can't wait. It is awesome to think I will never have to go to school again! Now time for the real world.

Have a great night. Hope your weekends were more relaxing than mine.