Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Videos of the Toros!

I know not everyone will want to watch these videos, but I was talking to Robert the other day on skype and he said he wanted to see them. So you can thank him for this post. I figured at least a few other people would be interested so I decided it was worth posting them. I will also explain a little bit about what you are watching.

To begin the bullfight, the bull comes out and there are several (not sure exactly how many) matadors with pink and yellow capes come out and tire the bulls out a little bit.

After the bulls are tired out and have those little pokey hook things in their backs the main matador with the red cape comes out. He too tires the bull out a little bit but they are the ones who stab the bull right in the back. Warning you will see the stabbing in this video.

Unfortunately some of the times the matador didn't have a good shot and had to do it repeated time and sometimes they don't hit inside the bull quite right so it takes the bulls a little while to die. You can see in this video how the pink capped matadors have to confuse it and kind of taunt it to get it to die faster. This is probably the saddest part of the whole bull fight.

So once the bull is done and dead, horses come and drag it out and take it right away for it to be skinned and butchered. Let me just say these guys really know what they are doing. They have to move quickly too because as soon as the next bull is dead it is coming in so they have to finish this one before that happens. This is the beginning of them skinning the bull. Just listen to my shock.

This is them skinning it a little more, cutting off it's hooves and hanging it up by it leg joints.

This is the last of the butchering of the bull. At the end they chopped in in two halves right down the spine. You can hear the loud crack of the axe hitting the bone...kind of gross but kinda cool at the same time.

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