Monday, March 29, 2010

Moved Rooms!!!

So this past Saturday my roommate Rebeka moved back to Sweden therefore leaving her room empty so I got to move into it. The only reasons I am really happy for the change is because I am right next to the internet and the bed is a double instead of just a twin!!!! I honestly kind of sad to not be rooming with Mandy anymore but it doesn't even really feel like I moved rooms cause Mandy is always in my room. She just broke her computer so she has been in my room constantly using my computer. She and Garrett are leaving on Thursday, the same day I leave for my spring break. So when I get back I will be all alone with Pepita!!!! Ahhhhh.....this should be fun. NOT. Pepita actually told me the other day that she was going to have three girls from Austria for a week while I am on spring break and then three Austrian boys the week after I get back. So I will really only be alone with her for a few days before I leave for Paris.

Here are a few pictures of my much smaller new room:

I told you Mandy was always in my room. We only have three more days together so we need to spend some quality time together. Not that we weren't doing that before.
My desk.
My closet stuffed behind the door and next to the desk.
TV and dresser. I have no idea if the TV even works. I have gotten good at watching TV online.
I don't know if I will ever really consider this my room only because I am going to be in it for a total of two weeks and I was in Mandy's and my room for almost three months. It is nice to have a bigger bed though and a constant internet connection!!!!

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