Saturday, March 13, 2010

Too much stuff and not enough time!!!!

Hola everyone! Sorry this is such a delayed post, this week has been crazy. Last friday I had another spanish final so Monday was the start of a new class and I had some trouble with the scheduling of that. The level I am supposed to be in is only in the afternoon and that will overlap with my business classes so my director told me I should move up a level so I could be in the morning class time. SO on monday I went to the right level, then tuesday and wednesday I went to the level up and realized that was not going to work at all, and on Thursday and Friday I went back to the level I am supposed to be! My teachers thought I was weird but I decided I needed to not skip because I need a good/want a good grade and I would be skipping learning three very important tenses. So what I am doing is missing the last half hour of my business class and the first half hour of my spanish class everyday. Not the best plan but my teachers said that was fine and there really isn't any other way of getting around it. Good news though I got a 9/10 in my last spanish class!!!! Go me! I was super excited I did so know what that means, I am actually learning me some spanish :)

Another reason I have been so nonexistent online this week is because my friend lent me the book "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer and it has consumed my life! For those of you who know we well I have never really particularly enjoyed reading, but I have decided that it isn't that I don't enjoy it it is that for some reason I can't bring myself to start books. Michelle had given me The Host about a month ago and I am just getting around to reading it, but of course now I love it and can't put it down. So you guys have to know I have been ignoring you for a book and in my world that is kind of a good excuse sorry :) I still haven't finished the book though, I am a super slow reader (I also think that is why I never really liked reading, it takes me too long). But for those of you who like Stephanie Meyer or at least liked Twilight I highly suggest reading The Host. At up until about 2/3 of the way through is excellent, I don't know about the rest of the book I haven't gotten there yet.

I have also been working on a group project this week for my Retail Marketing class. Our project is to analyze a company/store and give a presentation on it, so my group has gotten together a couple of times this week to get the ball rolling. We are doing the Valor chocolate company, perfect for a group of all girls. The best part is tomorrow we are going to the Chocolateria to work on the project and we may just have to sit down and get something to eat, oh darn :) I will let you know how that one turns out.

And my final lame excuse for posting so late this week is Mandy (my room)'s friend Jessica is in town from Texas. It is her spring break and decided about two weeks ago that she was going to come out here. She is such a sweet girl and it has been fun having another person in our house. You will see some pictures of her in my next post from when we went to Guadalest (a tiny town about an hour away from Alicante).

So those are all of my excuses for why I haven't posted I hope they are somewhat acceptable.

Tomorrow is Michelle's birthday, but she is in Brussels this weekend with Alex so on Wednesday night we all went out to eat at the mexican place by her house. It was so much fun and an excellent way to celebrate her birthday.

I love it at that restaurant they put these hats on you and take a picture and print it out for you, but of course I had to have one on my camera too. This is the whole group that went! So much fun.
We got a margarita of course. It is a mexican place after all and we were celebrating!

Marcos told the waiter to surprise him with whatever type of beer and he brought him out this. How awesome! The best part is that he didn't even charge him for it. Don't worry Marcos gave him an extra good tip.
Since it was Michelle's birthday they made her where a birthday cake hat, but didn't give her a birthday cake. Nope instead they stuck a sparkler in an artichoke. Random? Indeed it was but also hilarious. It was funny we first sang Feliz CumpleaƱos and then we sang Happy Birthday. Way to go us!

It stinks I had a runny nose earlier in the week and now the past couple of days I have had a wicked cough. Not fun, but I went to the pharmacy and got some cough medicine to help it go away so hopefully that will work. Little side note, medicine here is super cheat I got two different things for only 6 euro!

Oh I almost forgot! It is super exciting too, on Friday Britta and I met with our intercambio! Since I am sure most of you have no idea what that means, an intercambio is when you meet with a spanish student who wants to learn english. Britta and I decided we needed to do that since we haven't practiced speaking all that much outside of class. The university has a website you can go to where people have posted their information and you can choose who you want to meet with and contact them. We contacted three people but it only ended up working out time wise with one guy, Alberto. We have been emailing back and forth for about three weeks now and we just finally met. There was a little mix up a couple of weeks ago, he said we should meet next friday when he really meant this friday so he was waiting for us and we never showed up cause we thought it the next friday. Luckily that didn't annoy him and he still wanted to meet with us so three weeks later we finally met last night! It went really well, we talked about a lot of different random stuff. He spoke mostly Spanish with a little English in between and Britta and I switched back and forth depending on the topic of conversation and our knowledge of vocabulary on the subject. I was proud of us we did an excellent job and it was much needed. I was thankful to have Britta there because I have a feeling it would have been really awkward otherwise. We are planning on meeting again so I have to say it was a success!

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