Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weather, Food, Walking

Just when I was starting to think the weather was improving here yesterday it got worse instead of better. I has been rainy and gloomy :( For the most part the weather here has been very random here but most chilly. Probably around 50-60 degrees. The days kind of switch off between sunny and rainy/cloudy. It is also really windy here. I am waiting to have a nice day so I can go up to the castle and take some awesome pictures. I haven't minded the cold except for two times in the day; when I have to get out of bed in the morning and the tile floor is freezing and when I have to take a shower and have to keep the water off except to rinse my body. Can I just say no fun and I will never take for granted the long hot showers I can take at home.

The food here has been really good for the most part. Pepita said she used to own her own restaurant so she is a pretty good cook. I don’t think quite restaurant material but I enjoy it. The thing I found slightly odd is that she will make something in the morning we will eat it for lunch then it sits out on the counter until dinnertime and we just microwave it and eat it again. If there are still leftovers after that we will put it in the fridge and have it the next day too until it is gone. Normally stuff doesn’t last that long, only the things we don’t like and that has only been one thing so far. It is so gross; it is pasta with lots of cheese, sauce, hard boiled eggs, and tuna all baked together, blah :( Luckily Mandy liked it so she was able to eat it but she made the mistake of telling Pepita that she liked it so she made it again a week later. Thankfully it didn’t have tuna that time but I still didn’t like it and it lasted three days. My favorite thing so far she has made is chicken breasts in a delicious cream sauce and her chicken paella, YUM! Of course there is bread with every meal and I love it. They also have a lot of oranges here and Pepita always gives me one when she packs my lunch for school. I love it cause I always get hungry between my classes and now every morning she has a sandwich ready for me to take to school. This week she took it up a notch and started making my sandwich with three pieces of bread. Haha I laughed when I unwrapped at school the first day cause it was so big. Oh well I don’t care I enjoy it.

Since I have been here I have been drinking lots of water. I bring a 1.25 L bottle of water with me to school everyday and usually drink all of it. In class one day during our break I was just messing around with the water bottle and when I laid it down in the sunlight and thought it looked really cool. I know it is very random of me but I had to take a picture of it.

The other day I was walking home from school and decided to take pictures as I walked so you can see what my walk is like. This is right when I split from Alex at her apartment and it is all uphill. Tons of fun! I swear my calves will be awesome by the time I leave this place.
This park is just a little bit further up the hill. It is a cute little park but at night it is kind of creepy cause there is always a group of guys hanging out here or right across the street at a little market.
Continuing up the hill...

Finally it is flat!
Just at the end of the street in the picture above I do a u-turn around the corner to the left and a little ways down is my door...
Along the way they are doing construction so I decided that I am going to take a picture at least once a week to document the progress over the next five months. Extremely random I know but when I was walking home one day I thought about how it would probably be completed by the time I left so why not document it.

25.1.10 Day 1

26.1.10 Day 2
( I need to make sure it is a similar angle every time I
take it so you can see the differences better.)
It stinks cause my foot started hurting out of nowhere when I walk. I have been massaging it but I don't think it really helps. The pain has lessened this week so hopefully it will go away soon.

More updates and pictures to come. Have a good rest of the week!

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