Tuesday, January 19, 2010

School at the Universidad de Alicante

Unfortunately my internet at home has been really shoddy so I have had trouble staying on top of writing on here and being able to call home and talk to people. But I just found out yesterday that it just doesn’t work in my bedroom so now I know to just go in another room to go on the internet.

I am going to start with school since I have officially finished my first week. I am in the class called inicial 2A, which transfers to ASU as a Spanish 201 class. I have two classes one is a conversation class from 10-11 and the other is a grammar class from 12-3. On the first day of classes my roommates Garrett, Mandy, and I totally tag teamed getting to school. They were in charge of showing me how to get to the bus since they actually knew where they were going, then I knew which stop to get off at for school and I knew where the classrooms were and finally they picked me up at the bus stop on my way home so I wouldn’t get lost. It worked out pretty good, but the only down side was that I had to wake up really early since my roommates have class from 8-11. It ended up being really nice getting there early because I was able to write in my journal and go around the campus and take pictures. You can see for yourself how pretty the campus is. It used to be an airport actually so there is a ton of very wide-open walkways with lots of trees and vegetation. I love it!

I felt so at home when I saw all these cacti. I took a lot of pictures of them! I see them everyday and I think of AZ and everyone back home.

This was the control tower for the airport and now it is the international students office.

It had rained that morning before we went to school so everything was wet and it was kind of a gloomy day, but of course being an Arizonan I loved it.

This is where I have my grammar class.

The first day of class wasn’t bad I was very pleasantly surprised with myself, I was able to understand most of what the teachers were saying the trouble is talking back to them. The whole week went really well as far as being able to keep up in my classes but I do think I am one of the lesser in my class. My view is that as long as I keep up and I am learning what I need to I will be fine. Both of my teachers, Laura and Marie Cruz, are really nice and really funny, but one thing I noticed which was kind of weird was that Laura wears the same outfit a lot. In the one week she wore only two different dresses, I was kind of thrown off when she walked into class on the second day wearing the same thing as the first day. I am kind of glad that she does that cause now I won't feel as bad wearing the same things week after week.

Overall school it is going really well. I have my first test on Friday so wish me luck!

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Em - Just wanted to let you know that Jonrogers and I are enjoying your blog. It sounds like you are getting acclamated quite well - and having fun ! Thanks for sharing. Good luck on your test tomorrow. d
