Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friend Fiesta

Graduation has come and gone and now real life is hitting me. Looking for jobs is been kind of annoying honestly. It is so gruesome. I apply for job after job and 9 times out of 10 I don't hear a thing back from them. grrr I just want to find a job. If only I could make money planning stuff for my friends and family. I am really good at that, but as of yet my friends haven't paid me for it. Oh well I still do.

I planned a dinner party for all of my friends a few weeks back as a last shebang before we all kind of split ways. Honestly I was just looking for an excuse to have a dinner party cause I really wanted to be able to go the whole nine yards with the decor. haha I am such a loser.

Here is my tablescape:

Because it was fiesta decor we of course did mexican food. Yum! Danielle and Vince brought up some delicious homemade tortillas from Tucson and my mom and I cooked everything else. (when I say my mom and I, I mean my mom basically cooked everything. I haven't mastered the art of cooking, decorating, and getting ready for a dinner party.)
The whole group. It was so much fun to get everyone together from high school. It was a little weird because all of us haven't been together in a very long time, but I think everyone had a great time chatting with each other.

We definitely had the drinks flowing! I bought lots of sangria and we had tons of beer and alcohol that I got for free from work! We even had canned margaritas. I was a little skeptical at first but they were delicious, it basically tasted like sprite. Lauren definitely enjoyed her drinks.

You see Michael in the back? Ha I like how he snuck in there.

It was so much fun hanging out and having a good time with great friends. We definitely don't do it enough. I am glad everyone was able to come. Now back to looking for a Time to grow up I guess.

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