Friday, April 29, 2011

You Guessed it...the Royal Wedding

I think the topic of most blogs today is of course the royal wedding and I am following suit. I am not one of the crazy people who stayed up and watched it but I did DVR it and am watching the CNN version of it right now. There are a few things that I have noticed that I liked, thought were odd, sweet, and so forth. The first thing I have to mention is of course that timpani player!

Did anyone else notice him?! I found him quite humorous. Haha and I love his glasses.

One thing I thought was really sweet was when Prince William first saw Kate he said to her (I think, I am not that good at reading lips) "you look incredible, really perfect." I like to see that they aren't robots in all of this tradition, he can actually take the time to speak with his soon to be wife.

What I did find odd was that he only gave her a ring. She didn't give him a ring. Did I just completely miss it or is that normal for the Royal wedding? I have no idea.

Something I thought was funny was that two of the hymns they sang are also famous British rugby songs. I find it a little odd that rugby fans sing hymns at games, but I guess they could sing worse things.

Another thing I found odd was that Kate's sister Pippa was wearing a white dress. I thought it was tradition for the bride to be the only one in white. It was a beautiful dress but I would have thought it was going to be a different color.

I have to also mention that Kate looked absolutely stunning. She is a beautiful woman to begin with but that dress made her that much more beautiful. I can't imagine what she went through trying to design her dress. MILLIONS of people were going to judge her on it. That is crazy pressure.

Absolutely STUNNING!
(Does anyone else think she looks a little like Lauren Conrad? There is something about her that reminds me of LC).

The highlights of the ceremony for me were when the Bishop of London spoke and when they went to sign their marriage certificate.
I thought the Bishop did an excellent job and I liked how he actually smiled and wasn't scared to be slightly humorous. Very well done on his part.
I know it is odd to have the signing of the marriage certificate be my favorite part, because we didn't see it, but that is exactly why I liked it. I thought it was nice for the couple and their families to have a brief time to themselves where they don't have to SO serious. I like to think they went back there talked, laughed, and relaxed a little.

Oh one last thing did anyone else see this ridiculous HAT?! Come on how do you think that is attractive.
I hope you all enjoyed the wedding. I know I did!

I am off to celebrate my best friend Lauren's birthday. It was the 27th but we are all busy so we are doing dinner and going out tonight. I will let you know how it goes.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Emily!!! I knew Kate Middleton reminded me of someone, but I couldn't figure out who! You're right, Lauren Conrad! It was driving me crazy!!
