Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Back

Why hello there. Remember me? I'm Emily, this is my blog....I think. It has been awhile.

Hi all if you are even out there anymore. I wouldn't be if I were you since I haven't posted in a long long time. I am pretty sure my Aunt Doris is still waiting on me to post the rest of my spring break pictures from more than a year ago. Well I am not going to go back that far, but I am going to start blogging again. I absolutely LOVE reading blogs so I thought I should get back into writing them and hopefully other people will enjoy reading mine. Also both my sister and sister-in-law started blogs so I felt like I should too. Haha peer pressure much?!

My favorite blogs to follow are obviously my sister's blog about her new married life in California, my sister-in-law's blog about my sweet new niece Paisley, my other blog displaying my photography (ok I don't follow that one I just post but still), and my most favorite right now is I Believe in Unicorns. It is a fashion blog and every time I see her clothes I am jealous, she always looks so cute! That blog is where I found the idea for the t-shirt necklace in the above picture. You can find the tutorial here it is super easy.

Anywho....I'm back and I will try my darndest to post regularly. Have a good night and go watch the royal wedding. I will be watching my DVRed version of it tomorrow!

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