Friday, February 5, 2010

Food, drinks, poo, more food, beach, and more FOOD!

I know the title is a little weird but you will understand once you see all of my pictures.

In class one day my teacher just happened to mention the one Mexican restaurant they have here in Alicante. Of course I wrote it down, went straight home and googled it to see if it was close by. Luckily it is right down the street from where Michelle lives! So one night Michelle, Mandy and I decided we wanted to try it. It was pretty darn good not very spicy though. I mean I don't like spicy much at all, but I was disappointed when not even the salsa had any sort of spice. Besides not having any spicy stuff it was yummy. I was super excited to have normal tortillas!!!!

Note on the menu it is a Mexican CALIFORNIAN restaurant.
I just liked the little Mexican man hugging the cactus and wearing a sombrero.

Since we were in a Mexican restaurant Mandy and Michelle decided to get a piƱa colada and a margarita. I am not allowed to put this picture on facebook though cause Mandy doesn't want her parents seeing that see drank :) It is legal here though, but whatever.

We shared two chicken cheese quesadillas and two little chips and salsa. And when I say little I mean TINY, there had to be like 15-20 chips max. They were good though, not as good as Chili's but good for Spain.
I put a fork in the picture to give you perspective on how little the quesadillas were.
Then we all split the chicken and beef fajitas! They were so good, the only thing missing was some mixed cheese to go with them.

After seeing Michelle and Mandy with their drinks I decided to get a strawberry margarita. Can I just tell you it is really weird to 1 be able to order a drink and 2 not get carded for it. But it is just normal here having a drink with your meal. Sometimes the water is more expensive than the alcoholic drinks. AND what I thought was super strange is that in a lot of restaurants it is normal for them to give you a free shot too finish off your meal. Strange right?

Another day when Britta, Michelle, and I were making plans for spring break (more details on that when everything is set in stone) we decided to get some helado (ice cream). I just thought it looked cool how they served it so I took a pic.

So here is where that poo comes into play. I know this is slightly disgusting for me to post but it is what I have to see EVERYDAY!!!! That is not an exaggeration either, there is poop all over the sidewalks everywhere. Seriously it is nasty people just let their dogs poop right on the sidewalk and don't clean it up! I don't know what is wrong with people. When I walk anywhere my eyes are pealed to the ground because I WILL NOT step in dog poop.

When I had my phone out to take a picture of my that lovely poo I decided to take a picture of this graffiti that I pass by everyday. I am amazed by how people can paint people with such detail only using spray paint. Even though it is technically vandalism it is still art.

More food. So I got the Mexican food craving out of my system, but what about chinese food? I think asian food is probably my favorite type of food so one day after school a bunch of us went to this chinese restaurant.
Garrett, Michelle, and Erin

Alex, Britta, and me.
It was really neat, when they brought us our check they brought all the girls bracelets.
I got the vanilla ice cream for dessert and had to take a picture cause it was so cute and tiny.

After we went and ate we walked along the promenade, past the marina to the beach.
It was such a beautiful day, definitely a perfect day to sit on the beach and relax with friends.
We got distracted along the way by all the street vendors. They all have lots of cool little knickknacks for fairly cheap.
While we were on the beach Britta fell asleep. It was funny I couldn't resist taking a picture.
This is where the MORE FOOD comes in. We came home that night after having chinese food to the enormous pan of paella. I was so excited because Pepita's paella it so freakin' delicious!
I decided you really had to get perspective on how big that pan was because the last picture just wasn't doing it justice. She had never used this pan before but I didn't mind because I can eat so much of her paella.

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