Sunday, February 28, 2010

El Campello

This weekend I made the last minute decision to go with four other of my girl friends to Valencia, about a 2 hour train ride north east of Alicante.

But before I get ahead of myself let me tell you what I did last weekend and this past week:

Last weekend was a pretty chill weekend, one I would like to call a normal weekend in Alicante. Of course Friday night we went out. We met at my house around 11 since the busses stop running at 10:30 and we have a few people who have to take the bus from kind of far out. We chilled at my house and played cards and talked until it was late enough for us to go out and not look lame for being out too early. How crazy is that, you are lame if you go out at 12 cause it is too early! We did the usual walk around from bar to bar, run into people we know, and dance! You gotta love dancing. We wrapped up the night when around 5:30 when one of my friends started to fall asleep in the bar. Saturday we were going to go to a town just a tram ride away at 10 but we clearly didn't up doing that. Instead I was able to sleep in and later on Britta, Garrett and I went to El Campello to walk around and chill on the beach. It was a fairly nice day, just a bit windy.

They had these boulder piers that were a lot of fun to walk out on.
Beautiful view of the city from the end of the pier.
Attempt at taking a picture of myself so there was a least for this little trip.
Garrett was a bit crazy. The was freezing but he insisted on going all the way out to where the waves were hitting the rocks. I don't think he know they came up that much. Some of the rocks were covered in moss too so he almost slipped. That would have not been fun.
Look at how beautifully clear the water is here. I truly amazes.
I felt slightly weird doing this when we were in El Campello, but oh well I wanted to.
I thought this was a cool picture cause when I first looked at it is looked like the hand was coming out, but obviously it is an impression of Garrett's hand.

On Sunday Britta, Samuel and I went to the Marq, the archaeological museum literally right across the street from me. It was neat to see all the old stuff like the old coins, plates, tools, and such. It was only 1 euro to get in so it was a nice cheat way to entertain ourselves. I think I want to go again and get an audio tour in English so I know more about what I am looking at. I will do that one day when I am super bored just sitting at home.

After the Marq we all went to the church that Samuel, Mandy, and Michelle had been going to, but neither Michelle or Mandy went this week. It was definitely hard to understand anything, but it a cool experience and it was super weird because we sand Lord I lift your name on high but in spanish! At first I didn't realize it but once I heard more of the tune I got super excited. Such a cool experience.

After church we decided to go explore where Samuel had the week before, up by the castle. We found this little fountain park around the side of the castle. Then we met Michelle back at my house and we were going to make cookies but we couldn't find the measuring cup. I was convinced Pepita was hiding it from me so I couldn't use her kitchen, but I found it just sitting out on the counter today! So instead of making cookies we played cards.

The rest of the week was routine. School, homework and hanging with friends. We went to the chocolateria again but this time with more people. We all shared the fondue and it was delicious, expect the not so crunchy apples.

And after that we walked along the promenade and looked at all of the vendors.

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