Monday, August 1, 2011

German food and Bowling

Has anyone else heard of I have seen it before but was extremely skeptical about it. It is a website that sells discount gift certificates to restaurants that aren't that popular or well known. Well I found a discount code to add to the already discounted gift certificates so I got the restaurant certificates for as little as $3!!! Since they have so many restaurants on their website I decided to compare them to and buy the ones that had really good ratings.

Not that you all wanted or needed to know all of that, but the point was I bought a bunch of certificates, one of which was a German place in Mesa. The other night Liza, Robert, and I went there and it was AMAZING!!! It was adorable and delicious. The woman who owned the restaurant started it in Germany and when her family moved to the US she opened on here too. The decor is extremely German I tried to get some in the pictures below. Probably the best part, aside from the food, was the accordion player who played Polka music basically the entire time.

To put it simply I went back and bought 4 more gift certificates for the place and will most definitely be going again. You should for sure go too!!!

After dinner we joined a much larger group to go cosmic bowling. Always a good time, but it confirmed that I stink at bowling. Thankfully the guys I was playing with weren't much better.

I realized bowling pictures aren't that entertaining. Sorry hope you don't mind.

I just realized I forgot to tell you what I ate at the German restaurant and the name of the place. Stupid me. It was Zur Kate and I got the brat stuffed Pork tenderloin with spaetzle and red cabbage. The spaetzle was delicious and turns out I like red cabbage too. Hope your mouth is watering now. I know mine is. Yummy!!!

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