Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Break Update

Hi all,

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I warned you I was going to be away on spring break and may not have internet access. I have gotten lucky with wifi, quite a few of my hostels have had it so I have been able to access my email, skype, and facebook of course all on my iPhone. Unfortunately though I am not able to update my blog through my phone. Some of the hostels have had computers to use too, but they were either taken or I didn't have enough time between sightseeing, eating, and sleeping. Finally I have gotten a hold of a free moment and a free desktop computer with no one waiting in line behind me to use it so I am taking the time to give you guys an update real fast. There aren't going to be any pictures though cause they are all stuck on my camera until I get back to Alicante.

Ok so I am in Cairo, Egypt right now our 6th stop on our journey. It has been a crazy busy trip that we have created for ourselves but so worth the exhaustion and time. This has truly been a mind blowing, unique experience. One that I am not sure I will ever top in my life. Who knows though I could win the lottery and be able to do stuff like this all the time! If only....

To remind you guys my itinerary for this trip was Madrid (check), Florence (check), Rome (check), Athens (check), Santorini (check), Cairo (pending), and Barcelona. You see what that means my trip is coming to an end and I have only one more city to go to! HOW SAD :( It will be nice though to be able to go back to Alicante and catch up on some long needed sleep.

So far we have seriously lucked out with weather, I mean seriously! Some girls in our first hostel told us that it rained everyday on their spring break!!! I felt really bad for them and it made me super nervous that our trip was going to be like that. But so far we have had perfectly clear blue skies the ENTIRE time except one night in Florence and a tiny part of one day in Santorini. I have to say that was pretty good luck on our part. It has made our trip that much better not having to worry about working around rain and such.

I have been trying to figure out how I am going to go about posting my trip on here and I think I figured out how I am going to do it. I am going to go day by day or possibly city by city. Which ever one is easier. Probably the day by day one though cause we did a ton of stuff everyday and I don't want to take forever between posts or overwhelm you guys with pictures and information. And believe me I have a TON of pictures and information. I have almost filled up my memory chip on my camera, which means over 1,300 pictures! Insane, right?!?! I guess that is expected with me though and I love photography too much to have taken any fewer pictures.

Okay I think that is good for now. You all know I am alive and well and am having a fabulous time. I don't want to give too much away before my next posts and I need to take a quick nap before I take a dinner cruise on the Nile River. Hope all is well at home with everyone. I CANNOT wait to see everyone again and share all of my hilarious and amazing stories from here. Love you all!

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