Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 4: Florence

Our last full day in Florence we made sure to get up and going so we could make the most of the day. We had pre-bought tickets to the Uffizi Museum so we went to an internet cafe to print out the ticket voucher. While we were printing out tickets we decided to check our emails since we had paid for the half hour of internet. So we sat and waited for each other to use the internet. We also discovered then that our tickets were for an hour later than we thought they were for.
After the internet cafe we went and wasted our time in the leather market! I love that little leather market, there are a ton of vendors selling purses, scarves, hat, jackets, jewelry and tons of other stuff. Alex and Sarah also went to find the Ferrari store so Alex could buy some souvenirs for her family. Then when it was time for the museum we headed over.

Michelle had been to Florence once before and had been in the Uffizi so she decided to sit outside and read instead of spending the money to see something she has seen before. I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside of this museum either so there aren't any from inside the museum. This is the only picture I have and it is on the balcony near the cafeteria.
This is the only other picture we have that has something to do with the museum and it was just a poster thing outside of the museum.

The museum was pretty cool. Kind of just another museum, but I still liked it. I do have to say I liked the Prado more though. While we were in there we got super hungry so we had to go to the little cafeteria place and I bought myself peanuts. I didn't want to spend too much money and we didn't want to fill up since we were supposed to eat with Michelle after we got out of the museum.
We ended up finishing an hour before we told Michelle we were going to meet her so we tried to call her but her cell phone wasn't working so we went to the Ferrari store again. The first time Alex and Sarah went Alex didn't really have enough time to look around so we decided to go back so she could look again and buy something for her dad and brother. She ended up getting them each a nice t-shirt. While we were in there we took some pictures in front of the car that they had in there.

Oh I forgot to mention after we got out of the museum it was just barely sprinkling, but when we came out of the Ferrari it started to rain a little bit harder. We were all hungry too so I told the other girls to go ahead to McDonald's and I went and met Michelle. When I met Michelle she walked up with two dudes. I was like "uhh...hi?" They were kind of weird so told them we had to go meet our friends and we would meet them later and we peaced out. We obviously didn't go back to meet them and Michelle told me that she didn't get to read at all cause Italians just kept coming up and talking to her. Haha I thought that was funny. So we headed to McDonald's to meet the other girls. When we got there they weren't there so I called them and apparently they had stopped at the leather market real fast to look again. Britta ended up buying a purse for herself and Alex got some stuff for her grandmother. We ate at McDonald's and warmed up a bit and of course since we were bored we took some pics.

After we ate I had wanted to go back to the leather market and so did Britta, Michelle, and Alex even though it was raining. Sarah wasn't feeling very well so she headed back to the hostel and we went to the leather market. I was happy we did because although we got drenched I found a little blue coin purse that I love for myself! I think Michelle ended up getting some jewelry too. Everyone was trying to sell us umbrellas but we were already drenched there really was no point. When we got back to the hostel we had Sarah take a few pictures of our drenched selves.
These are our mad we are drenched faces.
Even when Alex took off her jacket she was still drenched. Haha it was some what hilarious.
We all got changed and hung up our clothes to dry. We actually ended up having to blow dry some of our stuff because it was so ridiculously wet.

That night a few more people came to the hostel and we all played cards, talked, drank some wine, ate some traditional Italian Easter cake (It was delicious), and the kid with the guitar, Drake, played a little and we sang some random songs. It was so much fun and an excellent way to spend a rainy Easter away from home. Oh yeah by the way I totally forgot this was Easter! Happy Easter!

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