Monday, December 28, 2009

Spain is Quickly Approaching!

I cannot believe it there is only 10 days....count them 10 days until I leave for Spain. How crazy is that? It has been kind of interesting to me because I am having a lot different emotions than I expected. Going into this I was full of just pure excitement but as it has been closely approaching I have been having an array of different emotions.

When I think about my friends and family it makes me really sad because I know I am not going to see them for 5 whole months! At first I didn't think that would effect me that much because I am pretty good at being able to spend some time by myself but I am starting to worry that I am going to be lonely :( I just keep telling myself that I will have Skype and facebook to talk to everyone when I need/want to.

I have also been really scared of what is to come. There is a lot of unknown going into this and normally I am just chill and figure whatever I will figure it out, but when it is in another language I think it may be a little harder to figure things out. I am planning on being a genius at spanish and hoping to be completely fluent after just a week :) like that will actually happen.

Getting stressed is something that rarely happens to me. As I said before I am a very chill, relaxed person so it takes a lot to get me stressed and I have to say this meets the criteria. I think having to worry about making sure I have everything I need, having limited space to pack, not knowing Spanish, being away from everyone and everything I know, and pretty much everything to do with this trip has made me slightly stressed out.

Don't get me wrong though I am very excited about going. This is such an amazing opportunity that I know not a lot of people get to do, but until I get there and am settled in I think the rush of emotions will continue. I just pray everyday that everything will work out and I will have an amazing and safe experience. I can't wait to start posting pictures and stories of my upcoming adventure!

Merry belated Christmas (I will post pics of that later) and have a happy SAFE new year! 2010 should be interesting!

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