Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend of Craziness!!!

So this weekend so far has been a full very busy places. First on Friday night I took my little sister Hannah and her friend to the Red Mountain football game (cause I am such a good big sister) and it was crazy how busy it was. I wasn't really expecting it to be as packed as it was, I figured we would get there about fifteen minutes after the game started and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. So I pull into the parking lot and it is completely full with people parked in the rocks and along the road, so I thought to myself 'well this should be fun trying to find a spot to sit.' But when we finally found parking spot and made our way through the long line to get in, we went and found Hannah's friend Delaney who just happened to be sitting next to Lauren and there was just enough room for us to sit. I felt bad though cause we were at the top of the stands right it in the middle where all of the really serious parents are sitting and we had to climb over all of them to get in. Oh well we just didn't move the entire time we were up there. I was proud of myself cause I really actually watched the game and really enjoyed even though they sadly lost, breaking their winning streak, to Brophy with an end score of I think 17-46 or something brutal like that.

So that was my craziness for Friday. On Saturday night (technically tonight since I am still awake) I worked at Chili's and normally it isn't that busy, but oh man tonight was crazy busy! I was pretty steady at first but then the LDS men's conference let out and they all came to Chili's like they normally do after their conferences. It was crazy though cause they literally filled up the entire restaurant and there was actually a wait which hasn't happened in a long time. I wouldn't have been as bad if they had came in staggered but they all came in at the exact same time and every single server was like quadruple sat and I had 3 four tops and 2 six tops so I was pretty much running around trying to get everything for every table as fast as I could. I felt super bad because I was so busy I felt like I wasn't paying enough attention to each table and wasn't giving them that great of service, but luckily all of the LDS guys were super nice and were very understanding which made it a little better. I think they realized that they all came in at the same time and that we were all a little busy because of it and on the bright side of being busy and running around like a crazy woman I ended up making $74 after tipouts.

And I ended my night in one of the best ways. I called Liza to see if we were going to anything and it turned into me parking in front of one of the gates in Las Sendas and talking to Liza for 2 1/2 hours on the phone. It was awesome cause we are so busy now with school and work and such, that we don't get to see each other as much or talk that much so we were able to catch up (even though we saw each other on monday) and gossip and complain for a nice long time. We felt kind of stupid cause we could have easily gone over to one of our houses and talked face-to-face but we ended up just talking on the phone instead, oh well that worked just as good. It really nice cause when I parked, I rolled down my windows and turned off my car and just enjoyed the beautiful night and AMAZING weather. Oh and the reason I had to park is because I new I would lose connection if I drove all the way home so instead I just stopped before I got to the spot where I would lose connection and just talked there. I am pretty sure I probably scared a lot of people too making them think I was a cop because I was positioned toward the main road with my car lights off and my car is kind of wider like a cop car. I know I would have thought I was a cop gunning people. Haha oh well I kind of got a kick of it when I thought about it.

Hopefully tomorrow/today won't be too crazy!!!

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