Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Halloween!!!

I couldn't believe it today, I was showing my Aunt my blog and I was getting really excited to show her these picture in particular and I realized I had forget to post them!!! How could I have done that when these were my favorite part of my Halloween decorations! Oh well I am doing a quick blog now to share my wonderful decorations.

Ok so before you get to see these pictures I have to tell you that I can't take credit for the idea, I found it on a cute blog called It's the little things that make a house a home... and she actually got the idea from So like I said I can't take credit for the idea but I can take credit for the hard work put into making my house look super cute for halloween.

So I started by cutting what felt like a million of these little bats out of stiffened felt...

Then I had the wonderful task of arranging them on the front of my house. Where the trouble came in was getting them to actually stick on the stucco. First I tried masking tape and that didn't stick to the felt very good, then I tried duct tape and that didn't stick the stucco very good, and finally I used double-sided sticky foam and that for the most part worked. But what I realized was that I should not just tape the bodies of the bats down but the wings too because otherwise the wind blows them around too much and they fall off. So after about five times of going out and taping and retaping them off the stupid wall they finally stuck on the wall! And this was my beautiful final product!

Another thing I was proud of myself for making was this little BOO sign. It was fairly easy, I got the letters from another blog called The Graphics Fairy and printed them out cut and laminated them and the letters on some festive paper and tied them together with some cute ribbon I already had. I thought it was a cute and easy decoration to put up.

And there was one last picture I forgot to put on my last post but I didn't make these I just bought them at Goodwill! I just started to fall in love with Goodwill and I so far it has been a wonderful relationship :) Ever since I started reading all of these super creative blogs I have gotten the bug for going to Goodwill and I can't stop because you can seriously find so much stuff for super cheap and the most addictive part it that there is new stuff every day! So anyways these were one of my many goodwill finds!

I will post again soon with updates on the past two weekends and my busy traveling schedule.

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