Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I love Tuesdays!!!!

So every week I look forward to tuesdays and thursdays because those are days I have off of school and I don't have to wake up at 6:30 morning!!! I slept in until 12:00 and it was amazing!!! Although I was kind of sad cause my day was wasted but it was really nice and everyone needs to sleep in every so often and I am more of a night person anyways so I am more productive then....

What time I did have today I worked at Chili's and I did some homework and studied for my test tomorrow. I am super excited cause I actually made money tonight, I made $63!!! I know that doesn't sound like a ton but believe me it is a rare occasion to make money at Chili's, especially on a weekday! Guess thats the economy for you :( ...oh well good days like these keep you going!
I also felt like a weirdo at work tonight cause I brought a sack lunch :) I wasn't hungry before work so I didn't want to eat and I didn't want to eat Chili's food cause it is so bad for you and I have been trying to eat healthier. So therefore I brought my own healthy sack lunch (well technically sack dinner)! People laughed at me but hey I'm not about to eat a 1000+ calorie meal at chili's if I can avoid it. I need to keep the eating good thing going because I am determined to be healthier and hopefully lose lots of weight before I go to Spain!!!!!

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