Monday, March 29, 2010

La Playa de Alicante

Hola everyone. This is probably going to be my last post for a few weeks because I am going to be on spring break without my laptop until the 18th. I am not 100% sure though cause I know some of my hostels have internet. It will all depend on if I have time in my crazy busy travel schedule and if the computers are free. If we are really lucky I am bringing my camera cord to try and put pictures up. So I guess I need to rephrase my first sentence, this may be one of my last posts with pictures for a few weeks. There that is more accurate.

So anyway to get to the more important is finally starting to warm up and b nice enough to go to the beach!!!!! This past Friday and Saturday were fabulous days so both days we spent hanging out on the beach playing volleyball and sticking our feet in the freezing cold water. After class on Friday I went and changed from pants to capris and headed down to the beach. I felt like an idiot though because as I am walking past people in my capris and flip flops people are walking in the other direction with scarves and jackets! I think I looked a little weird to them but believe me it was a perfect day and they were the weird ones. It must need to be a lot warmer for spaniards to take off their jackets and go to the beach.

I was surprised how few people there were at the beach. It was definitely all foreigners too, Americans and other exchange students. It was kind of funny cause you could hear people speaking english all around. Here are a few pics from our fun time on the beach friday and saturday afternoons.

We all put our feet in but it was still a little cold.
(Note Britta holding a buttermilk brownie that I made on thursday, they were delicious.)

This was part of the big group we were sitting with.

Once the ONE volleyball court was open we started a game.
I can't believe there is only one court it doesn't make sense to only have one when there are so many people wanting to play while they hang out at the beach.

Serve it Sarah!
It was funny every time Sarah served it was so serious, she would say the score and something like "ready serve" or whatever you are supposed to say when you serve. I have no idea. She did that because she actually new what she was doing because she played when she was in high school.
I think Marcos has got Jordyn beat.
Alex was such a good server. You would have thought she played in high school, but nope she was just a lame cheerleader :) Jk I am hoping she reads that.
Some of the guys sitting on the side lines drinking beer of course.
Sarah really got into it a couple of times. She kept falling it was hilarious, but hey she was a dedicated team player.

In mid-fall of course.
There is a good one and she didn't even have to fall to get it :)

Just to show you I wasn't lazy the whole time taking pictures, I actually played. My arms kind of hurt after though, I'm not used to hitting a ball around like that.
This is the beach Saturday. You can tell people were off of work cause there were a lot more people.

Saturday we weren't lucky enough to get the volleyball court so we formed a circle and hit it around trying to keep it off the ground. Surprisingly fun and I was way better than I was friday.

After we got sick of playing volleyball I went and put my feet in the water. I thought it was beautiful how the light it the water. The formations the sand made under the water were awesome too, but that is kind of hard to take a picture of. It is just amazing how it lands so perfectly in rows and wavy lines and stays like that.
Chickens. They wouldn't put their feet in much further than that.
Then I got Alex and Eric to come in further with me. It was sweet cause the sand dipped down a little bit right after the shore line, then it came back up to just above the ankle. That is why we were able to go out so far.
Our beautiful castle!
Alex was brave with me! Your legs just become numb to the coldness so it isn't really bad.
The tide started to get higher and the waves got a little bigger so we went back it.
I am hoping the weather is even better when we get back from spring break. I am kind of sad we are leaving right as it starts getting nicer, but really I am not that sad cause uhh I am leaving for my awesome trip!!!!!

I miss you all and wish you could be here to see all of this amazing stuff. I promise I will not leave my camera battery anywhere or lose my camera so that I can take LOTS and LOTS of pretty pictures. I am already coming up with cool ways to take pictures with the pyramids!!!!!!

I am off to bed at now at 9:00 so that I can actually get up in the morning at 3:00 :( My flight to Madrid is at 6:45 in la maƱana so it is off to the airport early for me! Hope I get to talk to you all soon or at least put in a short post here and there so you know I am alive and well.

LOVE, Emily

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