Monday, February 15, 2010

To the castle we go......again!

On Thursday last week we decided we needed to actually follow through on our promise to go to the castle once a week. It made me sad though cause when we decided we would go the sun was out, but about a half hour later it got windy and cloudy again. Even though the weather took a turn for the worse we decided to stick with the plan and take the hike up! This time we had more people too so it was a lot of fun! It was the four of us from last time, Britta, Michelle, Mandy, and me plus two guys, Garrett my roommate and Samuel a guy from ASU in Michelle's spanish class.

Since you all have already seen the views from the castle I will spare you repeat pictures, but I am including the pictures with people in them. They are so much more fun to look at, plus you guys can see who I am spending all of my time with over here.

Last time we were on the way up to the castle we saw a little dirt path but we didn't want to take it then so Mandy decided we were going to take it this time. It was pretty neat, it went around the base of the castle and out to a little rocky peninsula thingy. It was fun going off the beaten path and it was excellent for new pictures.

She was leaning on the tree and I thought it looked like one of those cheesy senior pictures so I made her pose for a pic.

We wanted a group picture so we put my camera in the tree and set the timer. It was semi difficult to find a spot my camera could balance, but we made it work and got an excellent group picture.
Samuel, Britta, Michelle, Mandy, Garrett and of course ME :)
It is really hard to see, but there are people living up here in a tent. I was really surprised they have a really good set up. They have a clothes rack, their laundry hanging up, a stove thing, and of course the tent. It is hard to believe they haven't been kicked off of the mountain.
I had to take another few guard tour pictures, the last one just cracked me up.
This time it was Garrett's home not Britta's.
Mandy found this tunnel and wanted to see where it went, but it didn't go far. She was a little bummed.
We found another new area that was blocked off, but we went into it anyway. I really liked this look out point, it is so beautiful so I made Samuel pose.
I liked the picture so much I wanted one with the rest of us. It is a little zoomed in but thats ok you can actually see our faces this way.
Garrett and the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.
I love the old canons they still have up in their original places. SO pretty.
We had to get a picture with this background, but the I realized that the picture of Mandy and me is on Mandy's camera. I will have to get it from her.

We cheated on the way back down. We took the elevator instead of walking back down, but at least we did the harder walk up and not the other way around. Michelle and Britta randomly wanted a picture of them running through the tunnel. After we were done everyone decided that they wanted to get a coffee so we went to a little shop on the main street in Alicante. I didn't get a coffee cause I actually wanted to sleep, but it was fun getting to warm up and talk.

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