Thursday, October 1, 2009

SPAIN here I come!!!!!!!

So I am sooooo excited I am officially going to ESPAÑA! to study abroad in the spring!!!!!!!!!! Today was the application due date and I turned my app in and was accepted into the program! I am going to the Mediterranean coast of Spain to the city of Alicante which is a 7000-year-old city with gorgeous beaches, buildings, and it looks like it has an amazing culture, just look at these pictures...

The top picture is where I am going to be going to school!!! The University of Alicante!

I am so excited to be able to go to Spain it is such a great opportunity to go and experience a new culture and a new city for such a long time! I am leaving on Jan. 7th and my program goes til May 22nd but I won't be coming home until a few weeks after that because my family is going to meet me in Paris and we are going to travel around France, Belgium, and the Netherlands!!! While I am there I also have a two week spring break that I can use to travel anywhere I many choices so little time! Plus I have the weekends to maybe catch a ferry to Africa or the Balearic Islands off the coast of Spain. Can you tell I am extremely excited for next semester :) Now all I need to do is save a ton of money so I can do everything I want to!!!

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