Friday, September 16, 2011

Growing up

It is official I am growing up.

I started a new job this week!!! It was pretty lucky and awesome how I got this job. I was working at Chili's and saw a family acquaintance and was talking to her about how I have been looking for a job. She told me to look at her husband's company website and then contact her. I obviously did so and basically I emailed her husband my resume, went in for an interview on Friday, and started work on Monday! The company is a small business consulting company called Guidon Performance Solutions.

What do I do? I am sure that is the question you are asking. For now I am planning their annual Christmas party. It is amazing! They go all out for their party. They want a four or five star hotel for everyone to stay in and then have a party in one of their ballrooms with a cocktail hour, plated dinner, live band and everything!!! It couldn't be more fun for me to plan and the best part is that I am getting paid to plan it!!! All week I have been contacting resorts to get pricing and information and tomorrow I start going to the resorts to get a tour of their rooms and ballrooms. I am extremely excited about the whole thing.

After I am done planning the Christmas party I am not sure exactly what I am going to be doing. When I did my interview they said I would be doing a lot of random things that they need help with, but they didn't exactly specify what those things will be. I am okay with that though because in my everyday life I like doing random things. I find it more fun and it doesn't get boring and mundane if it is constantly different.

Also another big surprise for everyone, Liza and I just signed a lease on an apartment!!! Isn't that crazy? If that doesn't make me grown up I don't know what does. I think it is about time for me to become an adult and move out on my own and stop completely relying on my parents. Don't get me wrong I will always rely on my parents for a lot but I have to eventually grow up right?

That is all the surprises for now. I think that is a enough growing up for awhile.