Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home Sweet Arizona

Hola friends and family!

I know it has been way to long since I have posted. I want to thank my mom for keeping you guys somewhat updated. I apologize for not doing it myself but as she said I didn't have access to a computer while I was traveling in Scotland and Ireland and then I just didn't have time when my family came to travel with me. So now that I have been home for almost a week I actually have time! Woohoo! Finally, right?

So here is what has been going on.....

Since I have last posted I have packed up my life in Spain and took off to Paris via airplane. (I was originally going to do a train but surprisingly a flight was cheaper and thankfully faster.) I spent a few days in Paris (more details about each event to come in future blogs). From Paris I flew Ryanair to Edinburgh, Scotland. Spent three nights there, headed to Dublin and spent another three nights there. That whole time I was by myself traveling, which was a very different experience for me. I have never really travelled for an extended time by myself and it turns out I actually like it. There are definitely positives and negatives to traveling with people and traveling by yourself. Overall I think I enjoy being with people more. So from Dublin I took a train up to Belfast where I stayed with my Dad's side of the family. I thoroughly enjoyed staying with them and getting to know a little bit more about that side of my family. I continued on after three days there and headed back to Scotland, but this time to see family in Glasgow. That was my mom's side of the family. I also really enjoyed getting to see them and spending more time in Scotland.

After my travels alone I headed back to Paris and met my parents, Heather, and Hannah!!!! I was so excited to finally get to see them. Straight away we headed off to Normandy, France then to Brugge, Belgium, then Amsterdam, Netherlands and finally Paris again. The entire trip was tons of fun and it was an excellent ending to my five month European excursion.
On our way home we flew from Paris to Philadelphia and philly to AZ. Of course though we did the true Warren thing and tried to get bumped on both legs of the trip, but we only got bumped going from Philly to Phoenix. Although it postponed me getting home it was only by a few hours and it was worth it cause we each got $425 in flight vouchers with US Airways and they can be used for international flights too!!! Awesome isn't it. I definitely advise anyone to volunteer to get bumped any time they fly. You can miss a few hours of your vacation to gain another free vacation.

Anyways it has been so nice to be home. I haven't really stopped going though. I have made up for lost time with all of my friends and I even made a short trip up to our cabin. This has definitely been a great start to my summer vacation, I can't wait for the rest of it. It won't be able to be all fun though because I have to start working again and saving money and paying my parents back for all that I spent in Europe.

Next big thing of my list for traveling is ROCHESTER!!!! I booked up with one of my free Airtran tickets for July 9th -16th. It will be weird not going for the 4th of July cause it seems like I am there every year for the 4th. Oh well looks like I will have to make some fun plans with my friends!

Don't worry I am going to continue blogging about my spring break, my last few weeks in Spain, and my travels in May, and my summer as it progresses. Hope you will all continue reading.