Sunday, July 31, 2011

Strawberry Festival

A while back I randomly looked at the local section of the Arizona Republic and the front cover had an article about a Strawberry Festival up in Strawberry, AZ! Everything about that just sounded like awesomeness! I love festivals and I love strawberries so I convinced my friends to make the drive up with me. It was slightly disappointed because they didn't really have a ton of strawberry stuff...not even a single strawberry jam...but there were a lot of vendors with crafts and jewelry and such. It was just nice to get out of the heat and walk around outside in beautiful weather with friends.

It took us awhile to find the strawberry stuff but we finally found it and got some yummy treats. Liza and Ryan did a strawberry float.
And I got the chocolate covered strawberries....
....and the strawberry shortcake. They were both delicious.
There was this random crazy dressed man walking around and he decided to jump in our picture.

Strawberry was such a cute small town and we had a lot of fun. I am determined to do more stuff like this, to just get away and relax and have fun with friends for a day. It is so much fun to do and these are the times you remember with friends.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friend Fiesta

Graduation has come and gone and now real life is hitting me. Looking for jobs is been kind of annoying honestly. It is so gruesome. I apply for job after job and 9 times out of 10 I don't hear a thing back from them. grrr I just want to find a job. If only I could make money planning stuff for my friends and family. I am really good at that, but as of yet my friends haven't paid me for it. Oh well I still do.

I planned a dinner party for all of my friends a few weeks back as a last shebang before we all kind of split ways. Honestly I was just looking for an excuse to have a dinner party cause I really wanted to be able to go the whole nine yards with the decor. haha I am such a loser.

Here is my tablescape:

Because it was fiesta decor we of course did mexican food. Yum! Danielle and Vince brought up some delicious homemade tortillas from Tucson and my mom and I cooked everything else. (when I say my mom and I, I mean my mom basically cooked everything. I haven't mastered the art of cooking, decorating, and getting ready for a dinner party.)
The whole group. It was so much fun to get everyone together from high school. It was a little weird because all of us haven't been together in a very long time, but I think everyone had a great time chatting with each other.

We definitely had the drinks flowing! I bought lots of sangria and we had tons of beer and alcohol that I got for free from work! We even had canned margaritas. I was a little skeptical at first but they were delicious, it basically tasted like sprite. Lauren definitely enjoyed her drinks.

You see Michael in the back? Ha I like how he snuck in there.

It was so much fun hanging out and having a good time with great friends. We definitely don't do it enough. I am glad everyone was able to come. Now back to looking for a Time to grow up I guess.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Disneyland Again!

I am finally back to blogging.....again. Sorry I am not very good at this whole blog thing. I try, but I always find something else that I need to do and push this aside. I will try and be better though.

Almost two months ago I went to Disneyland with my little sister Hannah, her boyfriend Jeremiah, and one of my best friend's Kimi (who has never been to disney before!). We drove from Phoenix to Irvine to stay with Heather and George and along the way we found this amazing jerky place! Haha it was funny because there was sign after sign along the freeway for Daniel's Really Good Fresh Jerky. How could you not stop for the awesomely named jerky place and as promised they did indeed have really good fresh jerky. We were a little disappointed though because we didn't get to meet Daniel himself.
Jeremiah displaying our really good fresh jerky. My favorite was the Teriyaki Turkey Jerky. I suggest you stop in there if you are going between Cali and AZ and try it. It is worth it.

Saturday we went to Disney bright and early. We wanted to get in as much time as possible since we wanted Kimi to get the full effect and be able to do as much as she can.

This is one of our new favorite things to do in Disney, the animation studio. It is on the street on the way to the Tower of Terror. You can learn how to draw a Disney character and see how animation works. It is so much and something new to do since we have done everything there about 20 times.
I love these chairs...I'm not sure why I just do.

It was so much fun to go and visit Heather and George and get to introduce Kimi to Disney! Hannah and I got a four day pass so we will be back this summer for sure.

Promise to keep to better updated!